Monday, July 30, 2012

The Alien Definition of Laughter

The Alien Definition Series


Laughter is the human body’s physical response to the brain’s sudden understanding of something previously misunderstood. While each individual human has an irreplaceable pattern, pitch, and tone to their laughter, the sound will derivate, in it's most natural form, from the primary communication orifice; generally at a very harsh frequency. 

Often originating unexpectedly and unanticipatably, the sound itself is generally regarded as enjoyable by humans and is sometimes associated with approval (pg. 29) or acceptance (pg. 22) There is evidence, however, that the laughter of some individuals can cause an increased level of anxiety to those within range of the frequency. See: Ax-murderers, Super-villains, Mother-in-laws

Caution: Humans will often generate a 'false' laughter as the result of an awkwardness (pg. 37) stemming from their inability to comprehend something on the level of their more intellectual peers. Despite their desperate attempts to mask it, there is a terribly unsubtle and easily distinguishable difference between the genuine human expression of joy (i.e. laughter) and it’s imposturous counterpart, which humans so often exercise.

The Alien Definition Series, gradually dissects the core definitions, justifications and reasonings behind basic human emotions, actions, responses & institutions.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Different Thought on Age

If you believe that every second of every minute of every hour of every day is a chance to make your life all that you want it to be, then you aren't the age you tell people you are.

I can't afford to think that I'm 26. I have to allow myself to know that I am exactly 26 years, 26 days, 21 hours, 52 minutes, and 45 seconds old and I have to desire to do something with that information. I have to stop counting my time by days or weeks or months and realize that every moment has as infinite value as the last. Age is not a countdown toward death, rather, a countup toward life.

Be encouraged. Your life will be remembered by the cumulation of your great days... and you are in control of all of it.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Bad Day

today has been a 'bad' day... assuming you believe those actually exist and you still have the capacity to have them. a bad day for me recently has just seemed like a day of growth.

My motorcycle was towed and it cost $500 to get it un-towed. It hurts. I won't deny that. But on a positive note, it was towed, not stolen; It cost $500 not $700 or $800, and they didn't put that annoying sticker on my bike. You know what sticker I am talking about. It's the 'You've been towed' sticker' but it's not even just that, it's the 'Not only have you been towed but now we are going to put a big sticker on your windshield that will require some goo-be-gone and creative use of your ice-scraper (which you never thought you would use in the middle of July) to get off' sticker. So overall, it wasn't too bad.

I guess I also learned a lot today about how I could have avoided being towed (better luck management, being more conscious, aware, perceptive, driven) and how I respond to painful adversity. I didn't handle it well today, in fact I acted quite childish, but I grew from the adversity and promise to 'get em' next time'. Consequently, I did do some great writing today based on all the events that occurred today. And a day with good writing can never be a bad day.