Monday, May 20, 2013

My Comedy Rap Album Release on YouTube!

Dear Friends, Family & Fans-

Today, it brings me great joy to announce that, after two years of hard work, dedication, and collaboration, I am finally ready to release my 6-Song Comedy Rap Video Album on YouTube!

On June 27th, 2013 (my golden birthday!), I will become one of the first artists in the U.S. to release an entire video album online, while joining an exclusive group of Comedy Rappers who got their start by using YouTube as a primary means of music distribution. Though I'm not yet in the same league as artists like PSYMacklemore, or Lonely Island, my journey is starting quite similarly to theirs: with a funny idea, a video camera and a big dream of sharing my music with the world...


1. Visit the Kirk Sells YouTube Channel Today and Become an Original Fan! 
Take a few minutes to visit and explore my comedy videos. I guarantee that you will find at least one video of mine that puts a smile on your face (after all, that's the point!). If that is true, the greatest support you can give is in clicking SUBSCRIBE and becoming an original Kirk Sells fan. The Subscription is FREE and will send you notifications only when a new video of mine is posted.

2. Watch/Listen To My YouTube Album
When my Comedy Rap album launches on 6.27.13, take a few minutes to watch and/or listen. If you like what you see and/or hear, follow the links to purchase the album on iTunes for $4.99. 100% of the proceeds from the first 72-hours of iTunes sales will be donated directly to my charity partner, Music Unites. My hope is that, together, we can bring a huge wave of awareness and support to this amazing organization (more details below) while also expanding my reach as an entertainer.

Also, please note that, in the first 72-hours after the album release, all Kirk Sells videos will run advertising. I know it sucks to watch an ad before a video but 100% of the revenues generated in these first three days will also be donated to Music Unites. After that, Kirk Sells videos will go back to being ad-free!

My Vision for This Project & A Word About Music Unites

For me, this album release represents a huge opportunity to expand my reach as an artist, develop a strong and loyal fan base and take one step closer towards my goal of being cast on Saturday Night Live! More importantly, I view it as a great opportunity to support and raise awareness for my incredible charity partner, Music Unites.

Music Unites is by far the most awesome charitable organization I have ever come across. They are committed to offering free music education programs for inner-city high school students, while providing them with the opportunities and resources to pursue music as a healthy means of self-expression. Their overall goal is to introduce music to children who are in desperate need of an engaging and fun way to avoid self-detrimental lifestyle choices. As a musician and a creator, I could not be more supportive of this vision.

Over the past few months, I have had the opportunity to learn more about the Music Unites mission and have seen the impact of their work first hand. I have become a strong believer in their foundational principle: that music is one of the best ways to increase the amount of good in this world. That is why I have partnered with them to ensure that any success that I experience with my music, they will also experience in parallel. My growth is their growth and that's exactly the precedent I want to set as I strive for greater exposure as an artist.

I encourage each of you to take a few minutes to learn more about the Music Unites mission at and remember to keep an eye out for my YouTube album on 6.27.13. By simply watching & sharing, you are supporting an amazing cause, while helping me gain more exposure for my comedy. Thank you in advance for that support...

Let's do this!

Kirk Sells
Comedy Rapper


*If you wish to no longer receive communications from this address, please respond 'unsubscribe' and you will be removed from the Kirk Sells Comedy email chain. I'm sad to see you go but completely understand! 

Yachts by 27. World Peace by 46.